An equal-opportunities careers community that puts you first
Get inspired
Everything we do is designed to make finding a job less daunting. Check out our resource hub, community group, newsletter and more
Grow your strengths
Discover your superpowers, receive guaranteed feedback and learn what jobs are right for you through our fun skills challenges
Land a job you love
Apply to jobs with responsible employers that are suited to your personal qualities, interests and values - no CV needed
Sick of being ghosted?
Our hiring partners are committed to responsible hiring practices, meaning timely processes, constructive feedback and no more being left in the dark.
Feeling uninspired by employment?
Finding a job shouldn't be painful. Our platform exposes some amazing industries and jobs you might never have heard of, but could be a perfect match for you.
No more confusion over job descriptions and whether you stand a chance. Only entry-level jobs exist on our platform. No prior knowledge or experience required.
Don’t understand the jargon?
We know just how soul-destroying those instant rejections can be. We cut out the nonsense to save you time and give you the human support you need to succeed.
Going round in circles?
​​Tired of tweaking your CV?
Our unbiased approach guarantees you an equal shot. We've banned CVs completely. It's about qualities, not qualifications. We want to find potential in everyone.
This is about more than just jobs
You're not the only one! We support our community with various confidence-boosting initiatives designed to improve your chances of landing a job you love. Once you sign up you'll receive our weekly newsletter featuring hidden jobs, upcoming events, and *actually helpful* resources. You'll also get instant access to our:
Community Slack channel
"Pollen Pod" podcast
CV-less job board (guaranteed feedback)
Mentor Directory
Resource Hub
Online masterclasses
Hidden job board
+ loads more in the pipeline!


6 Langley Street, London, WC2H 9JA
Pollen is the trading name of Pollen Careers Limited. Company number: ​14165468.